OMARMEN (ओमरमेन)
A Comic By : Aditi Purwar

BlueJackal Publication November 2023
By Aditi Purwar
Editors and advisers: BlueJackal Team
Aditi Purwar is a painter, a graphic storyteller and a comic artist. She did an internship for two months with BlueJackal, exploring folk narratives through research. During this time, she also worked on a story 'Omarmen'. This little visual narrative is painted with watercolors. Omarmen is a dutch word; 'Om' is 'around' and 'armen' is 'arms', arms around, a hug, an embrace.
Aditi is pursuing MA in Graphic Storytelling from Luca School of Arts, Brussels, Belgium. While being in the bridging program of Masters, she self published a graphic narrative 'The tea cup set' as a school project. She did bachelors in fine arts in painting from College of Art, Delhi, India. She is born and brought up in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. With her stories and drawings she presents the contemporary times in myriad ways. The narrative structure of graphic storytelling gives her purpose to immerse in her visuals.
'Omarmen' डच भाषा का एक शब्द है, जिसका अर्थ है 'अपनाना'. कभी-कभी रगों मे बहता रक्त, समुदाय, रोम के रंग मायने नहीं रखते, किसी जीवित या अजीवित सत्व को अपनाने के लिए। बस एक ऐसा ही आलिंगन है Omarmen.
यह कृति मैने BlueJackal के साथ इंटर्नशिप के दौरान, ढेरों बातचीतों के बीच बनाना शुरू किया था। BlueJackal के सदस्य और शेफाली जैन, लोकेश खोड़के, शिवांगी सिंह और शर्वरी देशपांडे के साथ काम करके मुझे एक अनूठे और बहुमुल्य अनुभव की प्राप्ति हुई। ऑनलाइन और देश से इतना दूर बेल्जियम में रहकर भी मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगा कि मैं बहुत दूर हूँ। उनका अपनापन और इंटर्नशिप के दौरान किया गया मार्गदर्शन मुझे आगे भी प्रेरणा देता रहेगा।
अदिति पुरवार
© Aditi Purwar
No images or text from this comic can be used or distributed without prior permission from Aditi Purwar or BlueJackal