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Jithinlal NR

'I think we need a new perspective towards the world that we live in, a new gaze, a paradigm shift in our way of seeing things in part and whole, it may be anything… a fall, a chance, a misrepresentation, anything that makes a change in the axioms that we have built this world upon, that helps…!


I seek a new world through these cracks… in the well-constructed walls of our perception…this comic is a modest attempt to hit this point.'



Jithinlal NR is an artist based in Vadodara, who did MVA in 2013 from MSU Baroda, specializing in painting; after that he worked as a comic artist for a web based educational website ( for two years; he now works in a community studio called ‘blue print 12’ as an artist doing paintings. He also designs and illustrates for a bi-monthly called ‘The Baroda Pamphlet’.

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