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Anish Talpade

'The comic is loosely based on the manga style I incorporate but the shadows and edits are made on a manga app called Medibang Paint Pro. The story behind the comic is about chances. Lagori is a game that I have played a handful of times but I couldn't excel at the game ever! Every chance as a hitter I got, I ended up missing the target and used to be upset about the fact that the chances were few and I may never get another chance like this. While working on this comic, it hit me that chances will always come and fall at your feet, it's how I make the most of the chances in life that'll matter the most! Small life lessons in such childish games always makes one wonder about what else could we have learned if we were taught about life through such activities!'


Anish Talpade is a freelance artist who creates comics and mangas. He has been a part of this medium both as a reader and as a creator. It's fun to recreate a world with your vision acting as a guide to a better future. In the growing trend of technology and social media, it was thought that comics were a dying media but according to me, no media is as expressive as comics with its unique art style and the strong story to portray a world that baffles the reader!

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